Avi Eng International Corporation

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Engineering Services Deliverables

Preliminary and Final Design: Contract Documents

Preliminary Design Report - Quantitative description of the proposed refueling infrastructure, first cut construction estimates, and coordination with other facilities.

Final Design Documents - Detailed drawings and specifications, bills of materials, bills of quantities, verification of product availability, and detailed construction estimates.

Tendering, Construction Review, and Administration

Tendering - Attendance at pre-tender bidders meeting. Assistance in answering technical questions arising from the tendering process. Post-tender analysis and bid recommendation.

Construction - Implementation of quality assurance program with full system testing and verification to API/IP standards. Attendance at periodic construction meetings, issuing of site instructions, clarifications, and change orders. Approval of contractor progress invoicing. Conduction of interim and final reviews of work and final acceptance.

Commissioning - Review of contractor's plan of commissioning, witness of performance trials, and verification of systems operation in normal and emergency modes.